“Love is the only reality” Really? Then my reality is pretty freaking pathetic. I’d like to buy a vowel please….

We start off in LA with a close of up Ali’s roots (send maintenance please). Do they not have hair salons in other countries? Tragic. Moving on...and we magically end up in Tampa, Florida on our quest for love and Roberto’s (base)balls.

Hometown date #1:
A mysterious black van, that looks as if it could have been used by the DC Sniper, conveniently drops Ali off on the corner so that they are able to reenact a scene out of Baywatch and run towards each other in a passionate display of affection. (Please note her yellow shirt, we will get back to this shortly).

Ali, I have something to tell you. I’m a playa. I used to play baseball. Keyword, used to. And with that we enter his field of dreams and her field of balls as her legs we surgically attached to his waist most of the afternoon. As she puts on his jersey she says “it makes her so proud”. Yes we get it, proud like a trophy wife. More lip injections please. Roberto comes out of nowhere sporting his baseball outfit and Ali was SO shocked. “I had NO idea you were going to put on a baseball uniform.” What, did you think he was going to put on Weatherman’s Speedos? We already know those won't fit.

Have to admit, Ali wasn’t that bad at baseball. She did way better than I would have. For starters, she caught the ball. I would have ducked. I don’t do well in sports where balls fly at my face...well sometimes...but that’s a whole other blog. Oh yeah and did I mention that’s why golf works out so well for me. Unless I hit a tree and it ricochets back into my face but remember I duck, so we’re all good. Props to Ali for bringing back her butch lesbo softball days! Butt slap, good game.

They are soooo giddy like little school kids and are having the time of their lives. So much so that they actually have to run around ALL the bases, all the while holding hands and twirling around like they are in flashdance. Water hose anyone?

During their impromptu picnic in the middle of the field we learn Roberto’s dad is an ex army Wrangler (hmmm, could be hot..depends on if he looks like his son) and that his mom is passive, doesn’t says much, and definitely doesn’t argue. Two things that quickly jump to mind. Ali, this family is not for you and I think Franky might be a better housewife for him. But I’m not giving up hope. We can all tell that besides the making out there is a deep emotional connection that binds the two of you together. Hold up, there is? Have you two ever even had a conversation longer than 1 minute? Or do you constantly break up the monotony with a game of tonsil hockey? Just asking, I’m jealous. I too want to find a guy that I have nothing to say to. Wait, this seriously describes all my first dates. Help.

OK Ali this is the big night, first hometown dinner with the rents. You have 20-30 seconds to make a good impression so hope you picked out a great outfit. Drumroll please...and she loves yellow so much that she decides to wear the SAME shirt she wore earlier in the day. Good thing Florida isn’t humid. Did the airlines lose your luggage? Oh well, yay for being sustainable. There’s no better way to make smell a first impression. Hope she had clinical strength Degree antiperspirant. (no, they’re not a sponser).

“I don’t want to brag (umm so don’t), but, you’re a prize” Roberto’s Army Sergeant Dad tells us. A lot more bragging about his son and a little dancing with the stars action in the living room rounds out the night with Roberto and family. Ali, FYI...you better cut off your other left foot if you really want this relationship to take off. Borrow one from Jake I’m sure he’s not using his anymore. Although he probably threw it at Vienna Finger.

Date theme song: I’m too sexy by Right Said Fred.

I give the date 3.5 out of 5 roses.

Date #2 with Cape Cod Chris (…heart flutter….)

Just a quick question before we start. ABC, what exactly do you mean when you say “Landscaper”? Do you mean gardener? Just wondering.

Paaaahhkk the caaaahhhh, we’re going to the beach! Of course the weather is nice there, it always is. Did I mention that’s why I left Boston? Anyway, Ali is a good sport, my hair soooo would have frizzed, hello Jew Fro. Maybe she got the Brazilian hair treatment, sans formaldehyde of course. And we’re walking...walking...and then Chris reminds us that at this very second whales are mating. Freudian slip? What’s on your mind big boy?!

Oy, again with the mom, I can’t take it anymore. I don’t know how Ali is keeping it together. I’m a mess over here! Send in the squeegee. Again. OMG, now he wants to find the one that makes him smile, and happy blah blah...Pssst Chris, short brunette, over here...in the corner. Howudoin?

The way to his family’s heart is through wine (could we be any more of a perfect match?) and they all toast and cheers to each other. Good thing Ali is the only one holding her pint of beer. Get it together girl, or I’m moving you out of the way and going in for my own Dentist, Dennis...whatever kind of bracelet it is.

My father in law is so sweet, bless his heart. But I couldn’t help but notice he bore a striking resemblance to the Gorton’s fisherman guy. A slightly older, more mature one, minus the beard but close nonetheless. Jingle now stuck in my head, thanks Dad. Loved the story of how he met his wife. Except that one is not gonna work for me. Do you know how many times I’ve walked into a bar and said oh he’s the one. Oh no, this time I mean it. It’s different. He’s sooooo the one. Haven’t felt this way before...this time is different. Oh well, if that actually happened I’d be living in Utah now and who wants to do that?

Does this date actually have to end? Chris (L.)...I’m enjoying your family so much. Even planning our Cape Cod wedding right now and yes I’m walking down the aisle to the mating calls (with non frizzy hair of course, helloooo frizz-ease.) Where in LA do I find a guy like you? Oh, that was a funny one wasn’t it? Riiiigggght, ok I’ll just continue dating guys who hand me their headshots instead of their cards. (rolling my effing eyes) Sigh.

Oh wait, I have one more thing to show you, Chris says. Oh really Chris, I didn’t know you were that type of guy, but I like it. I like it a lot. And then as if they were in a fairy tale he kisses her high up on the...water tower? What the heck was that thing? Who cares it looked romantic. And they lived happily ever after...The end.

Crap she still has 2 more families to lead on...oh well. Until we meet again my Cape Cod cutie!

Date theme song: Can you feel the love tonight from the Lion King (*) (Sorry Roberto, I stole this one from your trapeze act. You snooze you lose).

Date gets 5 roses and a Dentist bracelet!

Date # 3 (Nightmare on both streets)

How do we even meet Kirk and his furry friends after Chris and his family? If we must...here we go...
(Ali please return your yellow raincoat to Chirs’ Dad. He needs it to sell more frozen fish)

Several problems with this date. Where do I start?
1)They are in Greenbay, Wisconson. Who the hell wants to move there?
2)They are in Greenbay, Wisconson. Who the hell wants to move there?
3)I think I remember Kirk’s dad from, To Catch A Predator.
4)Someone needs to go in and de-clutter that house immediately. I was getting nauseous with all the tchotskies everywhere. Hope they’re not planning on selling anytime soon. Bring in the professional stager.
5)We find out the predator stores “stuffed” animals in the basement. EWWWWWW
7)EWWWWWWWWWWW (ok, I think I’m done now)
8)Kirk says his dad is not a man of many words. No shit that’s why he plays with dead things.
9)I would NOT want to be in that house alone and/or at night. And I’m especially afraid of what happens when there’s a full moon. If I put a quarter in a paw will the lights dim and the animals start singing and wagging their tales like at Chuck E Cheese?
10)The step moms voice was manlier than Franks
11)That freezer was scary. It for sure looked like the kind that all the psycho killers in the movies have.

And that’s all I’m gonna say about that.
Let’s move onto the mom’s house. She greets us at the door rocking a “bump it” in her hair that she ordered on QVC and braces that shined all the way from here to the Chrysler building.

Thank god Kirk has so much “love and support from his family, and that they would do anything for him.” Good because you’re gonna need all of them (including your creepy dad) to help you pick up the pieces of your broken heart after Ali breaks it.

“My family is who I am”, Really? Then taxi please. I gosta go!

Date song: The Muppets Show theme song.

Date get’s 2 roses and a PETA membership.

Date #4 – Please make sure all emotional baggage fits under the seat in front of you or in the overhead bin.

Once again, I love how Frank wears his heart on his sleeve...or cardigan. WTF were you wearing Tenderheart Bear? Please call Queer Eye for the straight Guy ASAP. Ohhh that could be tricky since we haven’t figured out yet which team you exactly play for yet. Just kidding. Love you Amigo Bear (oops, that’s Roberto’s care bear name).

Anyway, Frank and his cardigan greet Ali and are off to explore Chicaaaaago. Lots of emotions on the date already, shocker, and when Frank walks into his parents house they greet him as if they haven’t seen him in ages. “So good to see you Frank, it’s been forever.” “I miss you sleeping in our bed”. Now go take out the trash and make sure your chores are done before dinner. If not, no dessert for you and your lady friend.

ALright, I have a confession to make. I’ve noticed I go into autopilot mode every time Frank is talking about his “feelings”. I’m like a total dude now, I just shut him out and nod my head. When/how did this happen? Franky, if you’re making ME shut you out...you MUST be an emotional wreck.

“We’re both at a point in our lives where we can get up and go anywhere.” Yes, it’s called being unemployed. Here are your food stamps.

Overall, date was good. Lots of laughs with the fam but Weatherman shows up out of nowhere (I swear he IS Houdini) and delivers a red flag. There could be one major penalty with their “relationship”. Here it is. Anyone else notice that Ali and Frank’s dad have the same nose. Are you sure you’re not related? This could be incestual.

Theme song: Lost in emotion by Lisa Lisa Cult Jam

Date gets 4 roses and a new sweater vest

Final Rose Ceremony.

Ali is sitting with Chris having a little pow-wow and I notice nothing else but her shimmery pastel pink lipstick that is exactly matching her prom dress. Too matchy matchy Ali. Way too bed in a bag. Did you dye your shoes at Bakers to match the dress too? Ok fine, you looked good. It just looked like a care bear exploded on your lips. Hope it wasn’t Frank.

We know we’re all waiting for this, so here it goes.

Roses go to:
1)Roberto and his balls.
2)Chris (YAAAY, America can take a deep breath now)

...final rose goes to....the stuffed animals (not the kind you had when you were little folks, Daddy plays with real toys) or one emotional nightmare to go please?

3)Congratulations emotional basket case, you are the lucky winner.
(Please don’t cry)

Sorry Kirk please walk out with Ali as the tears of guilt roll down her face. Just kidding Ali, I know you were more scared that his dad was going to hang you on the wall with the rest of his ex-girlfriends. Kirk, just go home and cuddle with your toys that should make you feel better.

One word. Tahiti, Holllllaaa! Ok that was 2 but who cares because they’re off to the most romantic place on earth. No, not the basement. Been there done that and now we all have fleas.

(*a Flash funny)