Ohhh tricky Mr. Harrison. Starting off this evenings show with the ending of the last episode. Ooooh, I like it. I like it a lot. Switching things up. Like reverse psychology? Oh, I don’t want a rose….you take it….no, you take it….no you….OK! Siiiiiiiike. Who can you trust on this show, I’m so confused. Calgon take me away.
Where was I? Right, we were comparing the Bachelor Pad after dark to the Peach Pit after dark. Which one is Nat? I thought it was Kypton until I found out he was part of the “Insiders”. How rude. (Please go away Michelle Tanner) Since this seems to be the trend these days, do you guys turn into Vampires at night too? Just asking, all the cool kids are doing it….and I know how badly you all want to be kool. This show is making Mean Girls look like Mary Poppins. I think Snooki needs to make a guest appearance and show these people how to really fight.
Kovacs deep thoughts: “Being a couple is a better strategy than being alone.”
Oh sugar plum, I have a feeling that might bite you in the butt. As might your girlfriend. I mean “friend”, I mean….oh wait, you’re a couple now, right? I meant your wife. Yes, your wifey. (Puke) And that wasn’t even from the pies yet, wow we’re on a roll already.
Enter Melissa
Pie Eating Contest. Say what?
Yes, you heard it. We are forcing all you anorexics to eat. No. To stuff your faces and eat until you learn what it feels like to be full.
Bare with us, this will be a new experience for most.
The Rules:
No hands…or boobs allowed. Even if they are not “technically” yours. Foreign objects cannot be used as assistance.
What would be even better is if they had to jump into their bikinis after. I want to see real women with full bellies after a meal. Not these mannequins whose stomachs actually cave in. Maybe it’s just me, but I would have looked like the Octomom after eating like that.
“I don’t like it anymore.” Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.
Sorry, Tenley just had a temper tantrum. Super Nanny told me to give her a 5 minute time out.
Back to the girls pies.
Nom nom nom. Bucket please? Thank you ABC for bringing bulimia back one reality star at a time.
We have Gia and Tenely in the lead…Gia is coming from around the back…surprising us all. Where does she put it? Must have emptied out the silicone and storing it in her boobs. Good game plan. But look out, Tenley is following right behind. They are neck to neck. And Gia wins by a boob!
Now it’s the men’s turn. To show how macho they really are? When does eating a pie (stop thinking that!) equate to manliness? Is this a joke? Yes. Ok here’s the punch line. When the Weatherman wins. Wait I don’t get it. Either do I…
Oh, I have an idea, in the meantime let’s not wash our faces and interview a bunch of the contestants with pie all over it. It adds to the intensity of the competition. Who thought of this one again? This was the best you could do? Next week, tune in for potato (or is it potatoe? That’s what Bush told me and he’s wicked smart) sack races and then it’s team bonding time where one of you free falls backwards and we all “catch” you. Come on… you can trust us…I told you I’m not going to vote you off…you totally have my word. Now fall. Oops, sorry I thought you would have bounced back like a cat. Meow.
Weatherman is pumped up and ready to go, he’s determined to win. It’s his one chance to regain all his self esteem that went out the window before, during, and after Ali’s season.
Little do the men realize that it’s always the skinny ones that win. Just think of the hot dog eating contests, all the huge guys are crying like babies and it’s the little Asian dude that they crap out who goes in for the win.
But Weatherman Kobayashi, before you get all excited, where are you going to put all the pie? Oh, just put it in your package. We know there’s room in there. Hey, you’re the one that told us. I’m just a messenger from God.
And they’re off. Kovacs is fired up, he wants a rose. As does Craig (M) so he sticks his head in it?? Well, I guess if this gig doesn’t work out for you, you can always start a line of hair gel in the future. Although we know your secret ingredient and it’s definitely not Something About Mary.
Wow, there’s weatherman eating it like his life depends on it. (it does). Wes is pulling from behind; and being rooted on by Gia?? (I don’t like where this is going…tbc…) But thankfully, Weatherman channeled his little inner Asian man for the win. And he’s so excited he has to eat more pie and takes a bite out of someone else’s. That was just strange. But then again, look what we’re watching.
What we learned - Weatherman is good at eating pie.
For once, I have no comment.
Just once, don’t get used to it.
Dream date: 3 ladies and a Weatherman.
Gwen, Peyton, and Ashley.
Weatherman, why did you bring your mom on the date? It’s time to cut the cord.
It was actually really funny to watch Weatherman act as if he was the Bachelor. He was loving life. Good for him. He deserves a night where everyone is not making fun of him. See I root for the underdog too. I’m JUST like Gia. We’re twins, can’t tell us apart. Yup. People keep stopping me in the streets thinking I’m Gia. It’s a rough life, but someone’s gotta do it. I’m always here to help.
Date strategy: Break up the “powerhouse” and bring them down. Oh please, this is The Bachelor Pad, not the Third Reich.
One on one with Gwen.
Weatherman: Gwen I have something for you.
Gwen: Oh really? What can it be?!?!?!
Weatherman: Let me put it behind my back and pretend like you have NO idea what I’m going to give you.
Gwen: And let me cross my fingers behind my back in the hopes that I don’t have to kiss you after.
Phew, all systems ago. We are clear. Breathing can resume as normal.
Weatherman must have felt great watching the show last night. Hearing his mom say that it would NEVER happen between them. And we wonder why the poor guy has no game. He gets shot down all the time. Good thing you two aren’t gonna run into each other in Positano, Italy….oops. Ciao bella.
And now for date number 2, because the first date was just. So. Anticlimactic.
Gia (who has a boyfriend) and her 3 men (who are not her boyfriends but would give their entire to soul to be one just for one night).
Craig M. (How did the most hated man on earth begin to rule the island?)
Jesse B
Loved how she tricked all of them by putting Jesse’s name in the bowl. Too funny, you’re really using your brains now. Welcome, glad you could join us. PS- hope you had a shredder close by. Costco has some great ones on sale.
Gia’s game plan: Making the game fair. (She must be a Libra).
This date is dedicated to the men (man) before us who have sacrificed their (his) hands for real love. To the men (man) who guard and protect – we dedicate this to you Kasey. We too are going to draw hearts on our arms. You are not alone Kasey, you are not alone. Oh wait, ours will wash off in about a week. Guess you’re the only jackass stuck with perma-hearts on his wrist. I bet though, that if you stare at it long enough it will start to change shapes, like those cool posters in the 90’s. (Did I just say in the 90’s? I think that was a first).
Break time
Elizabeth and Kovacs planning their mission to mars. Yes, good to plan when you are slurring your words. Perfect.
Elizabeth: I’m a dumb smart girl.
Wow, I couldn’t have said it better myself. Actually, not true, I would have left out the word smart.
Kovacs: I can’t just let her run loose.
Big boy, is she your donkey or something? When did you become a zookeeper? I thought you were a winemaker?
Back to the date.
Not much happening except Wes trying to pretend like he’s a good guy. Oh Wes, we’ve seen this act before when you were on the Bachelorette WITH a girlfriend. And why should we believe you now? Where’s your guitar? Why aren’t you singing to us? You always bust it out when you’re trying to brainwash. At least be consistent, give us a 1% chance to fall for it.
Everything was fine on the date until Gia got drunk and started falling for Wes’ bullshiznat. Great Gia, you just messed up the strategy. Note to self; never put her on my battleship team.
So with Gia blinded by love and alcohol, she gives the rose to Wes (barf…clearly there were still traces of pie in my throat).
So what’s been going on back at the house?
Just the usual, Elizabeth and Kovacs making out in the hot tub. Normal for a show of this caliber. Then they decide to take it up a notch by moving into the shower. Normal once again…if you’re making a porn. But aren’t your parents watching? Gross.
What else is new at the Playboy Mansion?
Just Dave and Jessie S. in the hot tub.
David: I have a lot of pull…you just have to sleep with me.
Jessie: OK! I’m in it to win it! Have you seen my new twins?
Rose Ceremony
Wow Chris, were you getting dressed while you were watching Dating in the Dark? Kinda took it too literally my friend. Purple tie and plaid shirt…interesting. I like though how you are trying to show your personality. Good boy. I knew it was in there somewhere.
Again, poor little Miss Sunshine. Elizabeth tries to throw Tenley under the bus. Way to go for the timid girl Lizzie. You knew she wouldn’t fight back with you so you went in for the kill just like Michelle did with her. Can everyone just Leave Tenley alone? She just wants to run in a field of daisies with Kypton. Let them play little house on the prairie will ya? Maybe Tenley needs a body guard. This would be a perfect opportunity to bring our beloved Kasey back to guard and protect. Kasey if you’re reading this, you should for sure get a trademark on that phrase just like Paris did hers. Yes, you guys definitely made that stuff up. I don’t know where Urban Dictionary would be without people like you.
So question….if Tenley and Kypton were updating their statuses on Facebook, would they change it say “In a relationship…and it’s complicated?”
I just want to know where we all stand.
Natalie, can you please return your tutu to Bjork. She’s looking for it.
So who’s getting voted off? All this scheming, lying, and strategizing its making me exhausted. I can’t keep up. They are taking this way too seriously and now I’m hiding under my blanket after Lizzie told me if you “deceive the trust of your own….you’re next” (btw: the fireplace behind here really added to the drama of the moment too). Ok, I’m now officially scared of her. She swallowed the devil and speaking in tongue. Kasey, where are you when I need you? Get out of the trademark line and guard and protect.
Great, now the only voice of reason is about to go. Kypton, try not to stress too much honey; we don’t want you to lose anymore hair. Yup, just like I told you guys. Nikki is following her heart and she’s messing up the entire game. How dare you put a decent girl with morals on the show? What were you thinking?
And now it’s time to bid farewell to the real outsiders. As in don’t let the door hit you on the way out. Sorry but no roses for our very own modern day Bonnie and Clyde. Craig (M) and Jessie S, weren’t you guys partners in crime? What happened? I swear just the other day you guys were dancing around at your own concert, watching everyone grovel and bow to you like you were the Jonas Brothers (sans purity rings and instead condoms as gloves).
Well, that will teach you. You can’t outsmart the dumb smart girl. She was onto you the whole time. Bye bye Jessie S. I know how hard you tried to find your inner Leo and show us how assertive you could be since you never talked on Jake’s season…but it didn’t work for you. Sorry. Oh no, how are you gonna pay for your boobs now? I have an idea…welcome to McDonalds may I take your order?
“I don’t know where Dave and I stand now” LOL, that’s all I have to say about that. It must be the alcohol talking. When you watch this yourself I hope you can see that you two didn’t actually have a relationship. Unless of course you want it to be based on lies and scheming and in that case, since Heidi and Spencer broke up we are looking for new assholes to fill their shoes. Please contact HR and submit an application if interested.
Hmmm, for “some” reason they are all surprised with the results. What? The Shock and Awe campaign went wrong? How could someone have possibly lied to them? Couldn’t be the insiders. They sealed their deal with a séance. Had to have been the Outsiders. Can we get a revote? It must have been Florida’s fault.
Well kids, we’ve been through a lot this week. From eating disorders, to strategizing like they're the Ottoman Empire, to my attempt at trying to make this show funnier than it actually is - I’m simply famished. I need a pie.